Can't stand it anymore longer...=________=lll
I want still life lar...TTATT
Nevermind, going out with them is great tho.
The new RP ish fun...XDXD I finally can use my real personality liao...XD
Feeling mafan for the manga, will post the story out liao, forum siam!!!XDXD
星期四, 1月 11, 2007
星期三, 1月 10, 2007
Too-unit is same age with me....O___O
I can't believe this, but I have to.=_________=lll
March 1988 eh? He's so successful...Feeling a little jealous with his archievement...*__________*
He even came out with his own illustration book...oh man, that was really something...XD
Too bad, I'm too poor to buy that book...haiz...
Nah, just a express of this sudden story, nothing much.
Super Rookie is really something...XD
"Your eyes..." OMG....ahahahahah~~~~~XD
March 1988 eh? He's so successful...Feeling a little jealous with his archievement...*__________*
He even came out with his own illustration book...oh man, that was really something...XD
Too bad, I'm too poor to buy that book...haiz...
Nah, just a express of this sudden story, nothing much.
Super Rookie is really something...XD
"Your eyes..." OMG....ahahahahah~~~~~XD
星期日, 1月 07, 2007
Today went to Sg Wang to buy camera...*__________*
(coz my dad spoil the camera lens in Mongolia.....=_________=lll)
Finally get SONY Cyber shot DSC-T10, not sure is it a good camera, but well, buy liao means buy liao, bo pian...=________=lll My eyes actually a bit blur out when I look at the camera screen, and that happens when I just reach Sg Wang...My eyes blured about 2 hours, and my bro ask me to see a doctor already...=_________=lll Lucky it recovered now, or not I don't think specs can even help me...swt
After that, went home a while and went out again to eat bro ter-kissed me in the car....O_______O!!!@#$%^&*???!!!!!!!
SHIAT!!!!!@#$%^&* It happens when the car turns a big round and he fall towards my place when I was talking to him....
Ehhem, lucky we are open minded ppl...U_________U
And no one found out in the front seat...lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky.....=_____________=lll
Super Rookie ish a great drama...*___________*!!!!
Today went to Sg Wang to buy camera...*__________*
(coz my dad spoil the camera lens in Mongolia.....=_________=lll)
Finally get SONY Cyber shot DSC-T10, not sure is it a good camera, but well, buy liao means buy liao, bo pian...=________=lll My eyes actually a bit blur out when I look at the camera screen, and that happens when I just reach Sg Wang...My eyes blured about 2 hours, and my bro ask me to see a doctor already...=_________=lll Lucky it recovered now, or not I don't think specs can even help me...swt
After that, went home a while and went out again to eat bro ter-kissed me in the car....O_______O!!!@#$%^&*???!!!!!!!
SHIAT!!!!!@#$%^&* It happens when the car turns a big round and he fall towards my place when I was talking to him....
Ehhem, lucky we are open minded ppl...U_________U
And no one found out in the front seat...lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky.....=_____________=lll
Super Rookie ish a great drama...*___________*!!!!
星期五, 1月 05, 2007
Back to boy's world...

English Test Paper.........@#$%^&*Siam lar!!!!!!!!!!! Shiat. So hard!!!!! Can anyone tell me what this means?
Daniel Tammet locks his eyes on to mine just a shade too long as he opens the door to his home in Henre Bay in Kent, England. His manner is a trifle stiff. But he goes through the social motions with competence, if not ease. This comes as a relief, for Tammet is an autistic savant with prodigious abilities similar to those that Dustin Hoffman portrayed in the film Rain Man, a story about the relationship between a man and his newly-discovered savant brother that was left a fortune upon their father's death. Today, there are only about 50 savants in the world(all men), but only Tammet, now 26, is unique in being able to describe how his mind works. |
WHAT IS SAVANT????!!!!!!!!
*bangs wall...
That was the 1st paragraph for our english section A:comprehenssion.....die lar...
Ok, after the exam, there's something wrong in the exam hall, me and RYu are late for the bus to KL central....=_________=lll anisan, gomen paishe for letting u waiting so long....TT.TT queen also, very very paishe lar...TT.TT
Went to makan in food court....shiat. The tong yam meehom so spicy de...TT.TT Cannot even finish eating, they going to close shop liao..
Walking in TS....saw a very gengchao restaurant-SIAM SQUARE....O_______O OMG....that's really a gengchao place!!!!!XDXD Next time tarik laguna go there and take photo...that suits him well...ohohohoh~~~XD
Went to TS watch Night in the Museum at 9.40pm....shiat. Because of the bus....Because of the guy who write wrong number of his table....!!!!!!ARGH!!!!Next time go out with girls really have to careful about the time liao...=__________=lll Then anisan also cannot go home because of us????!!!!!!
*bangs wall...
*pray hard that anisan din kena walap by his parents...X________X
Having great day in Juin's house...XD
Cheat ish quite a nice game...XDXD Next time really hope to play again...XD And really cannot get too angry if kena cheat by anisan, or not I'll be too noisy...*________* Paishe lar, Juin no hahaoe...Hontoni gomenasai...!!!!
Kena kick up by Juin....TT.TT Although I told her to kick me up because I can't wake up in normal ways, but then I din expect she tarik my blanket!!!!!TTATT So cold lar...why you have to do this to me???!!!TT.TT Anyway, after get up, gao dim gao dim, sleep on the sofa again untill her senior come....adui....why I so geng chao de....X____X
Go makan in China Town and went back....? No, you're WRONG...*______*
Me and RYu took wrong bus when we reach KL central, and we went all the way to Kajang, and toke the return bus back to KL central...=_______=lll Then only we took the right bus back to MMU....siam lar we....*bangs wall...Meet a Taiwan man asking for
Anyway, my leg ish very pain becoz of the manga Juin pinjam....
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