Xuan Lin told me that their choir competition is on the 20th March...
When I heard that news...My heart was half broken...
I didn't expect it to be so fast!!!
They are not ready yet!!!
Some feelings came into me... hopeless...
Last Friday, I went to school and see their 1st choir practice...
I'm quite disappointed with my juniors...
"Is this the juniors that I've taught pass 4 years??!!"
They are not ready yet...!! (They sing like a mess!!!!)
They don't have any good practice in the past year's holiday,
And they expect they'll become good in 5 weeks time !?!?
I think even all of the seniors ( I mean us)have no confident in this case...
Even the sopranos ...
(which was the best group in choir last time) can't make their vocal right...
I think this is the meaning of the broken heart...
Haiya haiya...
Why I care about the choir so much??!!
I've leaved that school last year ...
Haiz...may be l love choir too much...
Well~~may be it's sad to see the juniors like this but...
回覆刪除Why don't you go to teach them?
Just let them know how weak they are mar~~