Do you know wat's a doujinshi?
This word is come from japanese word...in chinese is called 'tong ren zhi'.
Doujinshi is a booklet that contains non-profesional artist or writter's work...
There are many creative people in this world, they are like break pieces that doesn't have a chance to get back together... With this point...I've tried to find my friends that love to draw as many as posible, to make thier art into a doujinshi...
This work took me about 3 months to finish it...
I've work on this doujinshi since last year's December, and it has finally finished on February 2006~~I'm so happy and proud about it...!!
Everytime I look at this doujinshi... I remember 3 months of hard work...
I've called my friends many times to make sure they finish their work on time...
Then, I have to bring their works to the bookshop and photostat them...
Sometimes I'll go to my friend's house and discuss about the settings and the content of the doujinshi...We quarrel sometimes to make the doujinshi is as perfect as it can be...
It's quite a hardship and long work...but the process is very exciting and special!!
I remember 1 time 1 brought it to my ex-school to show my friends of the finishing work...one of my choir junior wanted to buy it!!!I'll cry ...!!!You won't know the feelings if you never tried doing something that you've work so hard and long... It's like getting the 1st prize in choir singing competition after preparing so long~~>.<
I think i won't forget the days we work hard to make this doujinshi!!!YEAH!!!
ps*You wanna buy?Hohoho~~total pages is 84, and the prize is RM6.00, half an A4 size big...>.<