Well this blog's name is Boys World~That suits the picture of two high school boys standing beside each other quitely...
Let me tell a story about this two boys...
You see the left one?
His name is Haire...He is a so-called play boy...and he likes to have girl friends more than one at a time... He has a very exciting school life, and he is a top student with highest marks in every subject he took...You can say he is a smart guy...But he never fall in love before...
Then, you see the right ones?
His name is Honsho...He is a very quite person... He doesn't like to talk much to strangers...But he is very good at sports...He was the 2nd in his class last year while Haire was the 1st... His only friend is Haire, and he is Haire's only friend... They always get together no matter in class or in school... They don't like to be separated with each other...
One day... a beautiful girl named Shaishi transfered to Haire and Honsho's class...
Haire and Honsho both fell in love with her at the first sight they met her... and Saishi was also in love with one of them-Haire. They didn't tell each other about their feelings... But Honsho knows Saishi is in love with Haire...
Sashi couldn't corp up her homework when she just came in... so she wanted to ask Haire about it since Haire was the 1st in the class and the person she loves... but her heart was broken when she saw Haire teasing the girls in class... so she decided to ask Honsho... since he was the 2nd in class and the best friend of her love ones...
Day by day... Saishi become a very good friend of Honsho... Haire's heart was half broken...One day... Saishii told Haire about her feelings ...
"I love you..."she said.
"Well...you can become the 76th girl friend of mine~"said Haire...
Then...he walked away...
His heart was broken when he said this to Shisei ...
But this is because he knows Honsho loves Saiahi very much...
This is for his best friend...he said...sadly in his bedroom...
Then...the next day...he was sick.
He didn't go to school that day... Honsho then sent Saishi home...walking together...
That was a rainy day...Honsho took the umbrella...
"Sho... do you think I'm an idiot?"asked Saishi.
"Well...I've just confess my love to Haire...yesterday..."
"...then?"said Honsho...with a broken heart...
"He rejected me..."
"What?!"Honsho turned to Saishi...hoping her to say"hah!!just kidding!!"...
But...what he saw was the crying sad girl under the rain...
"I thought he loves me...but..."
"... ..."
"Am I wrong?"Saishi weeped with tears in her beautiful eyes...asking Honsho for an answer...
"No... please don't cry..."Honsho hugged Saishi in his arms carefully...
Saishi cried so hard in his arms... hoping to forget everything about Haire...
"Tomorrow..."said Saishi,"I'll be in Canada..."
"You're leaving Malaysia?"asked Honsho.
"Does Haire know it?"Saishi shook her head...
"How long you'll be there?"
"I don't know..."
"Sho... promise me that you'll be fine...okay?"
"I promise... I'm sure you'll be okay...^^"said Honsho.
"en...."cried Saishi...
That day...after they separate...Honsho went to Haire's house...
Just when he stepped into Haire's room, Haire grabed his shirt angrily and asked:
"You love Saishi right?Why don't you tell me?? Aren't we are best friends??"
Honsho then pushed his hand away and turn away from him.
"Why? Are you going to give another girl to me again??Well, I'm not that kind of friend! Sit still on your bed...wait and see!!"
"How can you say things like that?! I promised you that we will compete equally!! And Saishi is not another her!!She is the one you love!! Come on!!"
"Compete equally? Huh...well then, You tell me honestly, do you love Saishi?"
"... ...yes..."said Haire.
"Oh well~Saishi confessed to you that she loves you right?"
"I... ..."
"Don't ever mention 'compete equally' to me again!! You make me feel like I'm an idiot!!"
Then...Honsho walked away...
Well? What do you think about the story?
Give an ending to me ok??^^
by Chiwayu
Nice story, but sad....
回覆刪除As for the ending, you could give it a (nasty) twist: Haire won't change because playboys never do, and Shaishi won't fall in love with Honsho because love just isn't. As Shaishi is about to leave, Haire kisses Shaishi and Honsho walks off dejectedly. However, Haire starts playing around as soon as Shaishi's plane goes out of sight and Honsho knows. He wonders whether to tell Shaishi, as Shaishi arrives in Canada. End of story.
回覆刪除Of course, that's just my idea.
for me rite .. i will end the story like this loh ...the gal din choose both of the guy .Even though she like the guy but she jz dun wanna see the frenship like tt .....eventually three of them becum very best pal ...
回覆刪除hahaha dunno lah ..jz feel liek tt ..