I've fall in love again these days~
Not to human actually, but to my beloved Ragnarok Online...
The main subject that caused me to went back to the RO world was my guild leader.
He is a very kind and a nice guy from Singapore...
Well...in the world of online games,
you need to have people to accompany you and talk to you about it...
I felt lonely inside before and makes me leave it once...
But the day before yesterday,
I pop into RO because there's a new system went on.
The Penril world and Iris2's world are getting combined...
So I went into it and see if there's any special things happen...
People are still cool inside when I walk on the prontera town.
But suddenly I was invited into a guild by someone...
That's my guild master of course,
A whitesmith recruiting guild member...
Today he told me he and a girl in our guild is planning to see movie~
When he told me this, I think he feels a bit emberessed...
Ahahahah~!!!(Laughing loudly in a corner)
So sweet~!!!He said that girl is a very pretty one~^^
It is a nice thing that someone talks to you...
I'm not lonely these days^^
I really miss RO... I used to play in the good old days just after PMR...