It is the 1st day of March 2006...
This means I have 12 freedom days...
Before getting my SPM result on 13th March...
I've dreamed the day I get that result on my hands.
I've dreamed that everyone was so happy with their results,
but not me.
I've also had a dream where I've got the good results...
But I don't want to think about it...
You see...I've wanted to visit Japan,
have a home stay by myself since I'm in Form 3.
To me, go out to the world and explore myself, without parents guiding is a kind of brave and special.
Like my best friend Vanessa, she went there herself by the Leo Club programme in my school, all by herself.
That's really a brave thing to do!!
Well....What I wanted to say is...
My parents were worried about me.
I know they loved me so much, and I'm not a responsible child.
They told me, You can't go through the interview unless you have 5 A's in your SPM result.
5 A's huh...To those who are hard working and inteligent...
5 A's are nothing.
But for me...err....mmm...is quite a challenging topic...
I work quite hard in form 5 to make sure I got 5 A's and above...
Well...I don't know now...
God...can I know my results later?
Well...I don't think so.
Monday's coming.... ^_^
回覆刪除I'll be going to school just to see my seniors suffer. Mwahwahaha. No, actually I have some librarian business.
回覆刪除How can u be so 'chan ren' one...
TT.TTThe result...haiz...