Report:Weather, rainy day
Today I went to have practical car test...
Oh my goodness...
First, luckily Qian is going with me...
Or not I swear I'll die there because or boring...
I was so scared and nervours!!!
Haiya...everytime I control a new car,I'll sure panic...
even though it is still white colour unpowerstaring,unauto Perodua Kancil...=.="
They first let us try 2 times driving the path...
The first two times I almost looks like a person who doesn't drive a car before...
Then the 3rd time is the real practical part...
I did that perfectly every part except the 3 point turn...
I did 1 wrong mistake...haiya...=.="
I don't want to mention it anymore...
Anyway...I MUST pass the exam!!!
I don't want to go back that damn stupid place anymore!!!!
Tommorrow...dead or alive!!!
Happy or Sad...!!!
Is all under tomorrow's SPM result!!!!!
I'll have to do a great report for my results~~!!!
So, how's your results?
回覆刪除After 7 years, I realized I didn't reply this message: I got my car license >D