Ryu told me the competition has been delayed to the 20th of April...
Thank goodness...
As if your wondering how's their standard...
Let me make a clear report to you.
Today me, Ryu, Qian and Ling went to school to visit choir.
Actually Yong which is our tutor should come today,
but suddenly cancelled and switch to tommorrow...
So we didn't see Yong...(=.="Of course!!)
This is the 1st time I teach my junior until I've wanted to slap all the juniors...
Idiots...I should say...
Those juniors I mean are not those newbie...
But are those we tought and bring up.
It is so thankful that I'm not in the choir this year...
And yet it is also a waste where we're not in...
Let me tell you the whole story.
We(me and Qian) reach school at around 11.15am today.
Qian 1st walked into the Office to sah her SPM certificet from HM.
I waited outside, and heard the voice of choir... soft and terrible.
It is not far from the practice point to the office...
I can see them. But I can't believe my ears when they start singing 'Pewira'.
Normally, the mistakes in voice only can be heard from close diatance,
and when is far...songs will turn out to be okay last time.
But this time...arghh...its terrible untill the mistakes are so clear from far...
What should I say?
Then, after we reach the bangsal(which is their practice point),
Puan Bong(Our choir adviser) told us that they plan to learn a new song as the competition song.
New Song? I knew that before today,
but I heard my juniors telling me that song is quite hard to learn.
Well then, we tried ourself to makesure the standard of this song...
IMPOSIBLE...I mean for the juniors to catch up and master it in this short period.
Well...is not a difficult song,
but it is quite hard to master it if you can't project a proper vocal.
And you must have quite a good sense of beats and similer key...
And the most challenging part for juniors is,
This song must have lots of practise.
We learned the 1st 3 pages for about 15 minutes...
The part for Soprano 2 is quite hard to catch up, but Soprano 1 and Alto is not difficult.
Tenor and Bass too, not difficult.
After that, Hong Chin decided to let the AJKs to learn this song...
So we promise them to teach and take care of those newbies...
I was once thought I'll have a big vomit in front of them...
I was wondering how they teach these juniors??!!!
The 1st part of teaching song is to make sure they know and sure all the notes and keys.
Secondly will be the beat.
Third should be the vocal and tachique of singing a proper song.
Forth will be the touch up...
which is the loud soft part, where to attack and release, where to drag and where to be soft and lond...
The fifth will be the emotion and spirit of voices...
And the last will be the expression on faces and arrangement of how to walk up the stage and leave the stage...
They've mess up everything!!!
After teaching the song without make sure as if they were sure,
They teach them how to touch up the song,
where to attack and release, where to make it loud...=.="
Then only they teach beat in combine and Hong Chin was the one who teach vocal, projection tecniques...
Idiots... Don't they even remember anything we've thought them??!!!
So then I teach the newbies the song 'Kupinta Lagi'...
I found that those junior are actually not stupid...
Although they catch my words slowly...but they still can do it...
So this means that it is not the newbies fault.
As I'll repeat again....Idiots...
Then they have a combine.
It was so buzy and noisy around...
I found Hong Chin standing there doing nothing...
Seems to be waiting the members to be quiet and pay attention to him.
When Ryu have the intension to scold them,
Qian scolded all of the members of choir(excluding Xin Zhi, Hong Chin and Xuan Lin) due to their atitude towards the president (Xin Zhi) and the conducter(Hong Chin).
This is Qian character as we know...^^
I was glad they know how fierce was the seniors last time~
The combine is of course terrible...
I've never seen choir to be so bad for 5 years history in choir...
Well...this is the 1st time of course...
So after thier prctice, I gave lots lots of advise(including scolding) to the seniors...
If the full mark of their presantation is 100%,
I'll give 24% for the parctise they have today.
You should see it yourself...
I'll keep giving you the reports untill you're back.
Missing you...
From Chiwayu