To: Those who found I'm dissapeared
I would like to thank all of you who noticed the small me dissapearing from the internet world.
I miss you guys too...
Truely, deeply in my heart.
The reason I've appear today is because my house's stupid streamyx have been repaired.
Well, for those days that I've dissapeared,
I would like to make a clear report of my days dissapearing...
24 March 2006(Friday)
My goodness!!!!
The STUPID streamyx suddenly disfunction!!!
Damn it!!!
How come this stupid thing happened after I've install it for just 5 days??!!!
My very goodness!!!
I was fine in the morning and the afternoon!!!
SHIT!!!(Creaching the wall...)
I've just reloaded a monthly card inside RO 3 days ago!!!
Oh NO!!!!!Not this time!!!!
So, I call up the person who fixed the streamyx for us...
But he can't fix it!!!???!!!!???!!!
Oh...!!!He said is the line probelm...
=.="Line probelm huh....
Damn Streamyx...
25 March 2006(Saturday)
I really starting to miss those people in MSN and in forums...
Such as(in MSN) Sanada-san(Which was my guild leader I've mentioned),
Lucifer-the Comic Addict like me,
Ah Lek-The pretty boy who likes to make videos with his webcam so much,
Sakura-my penpal actually...A very cute girl...
Ah Long-The great big brother who likes to scold RO's planning...=.="
Well...I really wanted to list up all of them...
But I wanted to keep the names that I think just after I don't online...
In Forum...(If you want to see, find link from the column 'others' writting Sharing Company...)
I miss Hikaru-zan, Heist, younyoun, Yuko Takahashi, wockids, iceace, Makoto-chan...TT.TT
I really miss you guys~~!!!
What to do? My bro said I'm in internet addict...
Like drugs, it can't easily been taken away...
Arrgggghhhh!!!!DAMN STREAMYX!!!!
26 March 2006(Sunday)
I've decided not to think about the internet thing for a while...
Although too pity about my monthly card and the topics inside the forum...TT.TT
I practised the piano untill my hands are so tired...
Haiz...what to do?
The Grade 8 expensive exam is so near to me...
I make a call to Yukina this morning.
She is in the horrible terrible Nasional Service...
And only Sundays are allowed to use the phone...
So we talk about many things, including the choir idiot things...
She got sun burn and she said she was quite dark now...
She is actually a fare girl you know??
Poor Yukina...
She told me they have to wake up 5.00am every morning and get to bed at 11.00pm...
To me, wake up at 5.00am is a very terrible thing!!!
Sleeping is such a great event...
Then 1 day they'll have 6 meals, 3 meals of tea time and another 3 normal meals.
I miss her so much...
So as her...TT.TT She asked me to belanja her once to karaoke...
No probelm!!!But the date will be at around June...Haiz...
Missing those days searching for the newest pirated comics in KL...
Hope she'll be well and happy inside...
I called Victor too...
He said the same thing but the part he miss me was the talent of designing in me...
He joined the publisity department(Why a NS programme need publisity??!!)
He said they made some magazine and promotion wor...=.="
He was the Vice president of the design department...
He said"If you are here...Theres sure lots of idea in your mind..."
Muahahahah...!!!Anyway, I miss both of them lar...
I've received a call from Ryu in the afternoon.
Ryu persued me to study in Malaysia Multimidea University(MMU) rather than THE ONE academy...
Actually we've decided to study in THE ONE academy before this...
K@i also wanted to study there but ended up in THA college in force by his dad...
Poor K@i...
Anyway, return to the topic:
We changed our decision and decided to study in MMU because:
1. We found that MMU have digree course while THE ONE only offer diploma course.
2. Then, MMU is a UNIVERSITY while THE ONE is only an academy...
3. That makes us looks smarter and more profesional...(hehehe...)
4. Besides, Ryu found out the school is so beautiful and cool...
Hope to have a campus life in my whole life...
Rather than studying in a place like THE ONE...=.="
That place is quite a mess actually...
Because is Cyberjaya...It's too far to drive home everyday...
So me and Ryu decided to stay in the hostel inside the school...
5. Ohohoho....things get cool when we mention this~^^
Dreaming of pasting poster inside our room...
Then there's free streamyx access inside the room...muahahaha!!!!!
So...If with my poor result I can get into MMU...
I can even know some accountant or engineer friend~!!!
Muahahahahaha~!!!Too excited to go inside the, I mean UNIVERSITY!!!
So I told my bro and my dad about it.
My dad looks happy...???!!!
(Maybe he prefer me studying inside a U rather than inside a academy...)
But my bro looks a bit sad...
Maybe he miss me lar~ahahahaha~!!!
TT.TT I miss him too...thinking 1 week only meets twice...
Without TV...without my great hifi system inside my room...
But Ryu told me the dead line is actually 31 March today!!!
The apply of MMU's dead line is 31 March??!!!
Walie!!!So I told this to my dad and mom...
And we went to pay a visit to Ryu's house before we went to shopping...
Finding out anything about the U...
27 March 2006(Monday)
Arggghhh!!!!I want online!!!!
I want!!!But this feeling is after I went to school...
Today I went to school to signify my photocopy SPM result certificult.
Then I heard Ryu said choir have practise...
So we decided to go together and see how've they improve...
But this time is slighty better lar...
But is slightly after 2 weeks...=.="
This time we decided to help them by teaching the juniors and newbie ourselves.
It is not good to let the juniors feel boring while singing a song which full of hopes...
So I give some advice to the leader in that group...
And those newbie seems to like the way I teach...Muhahahaha!!!!
Well...seniors are know?
I think I better go to school more often...
Hope to help them more...
There is a part I feel bad about...
Is both the President and Vice President both feel so hopeless towards the juniors...
Ryu and I are actually planning to scold them...
But looking at their hopeless face...argghhh...
What we can do is just promise to help them and cheer them up...
Haiya...Seems they are missing those days where seniours are around...
28 March 2006(Tuesday)
Yeah!!!!I've passed my driving test!!!
I'm going to try on my dad's Honda!!!Muahahahaha...!!!!
Today I have my driving nervours and excited!!!
After I reach home,
I received a call from my dad.
He ask me to fill in the aplication form of going into MMU...
He was quite worried about the dead line...
So...Hope I stand a chance to go in...
29 Mrch 2006(Today)
I've found a smart way to online...
Using the original line...(Why am I so smart??)
星期三, 3月 29, 2006
星期五, 3月 24, 2006
Feel Good To Fall In Love~^^
I've fall in love again these days~
Not to human actually, but to my beloved Ragnarok Online...
The main subject that caused me to went back to the RO world was my guild leader.
He is a very kind and a nice guy from Singapore... the world of online games,
you need to have people to accompany you and talk to you about it...
I felt lonely inside before and makes me leave it once...
But the day before yesterday,
I pop into RO because there's a new system went on.
The Penril world and Iris2's world are getting combined...
So I went into it and see if there's any special things happen...
People are still cool inside when I walk on the prontera town.
But suddenly I was invited into a guild by someone...
That's my guild master of course,
A whitesmith recruiting guild member...
Today he told me he and a girl in our guild is planning to see movie~
When he told me this, I think he feels a bit emberessed...
Ahahahah~!!!(Laughing loudly in a corner)
So sweet~!!!He said that girl is a very pretty one~^^
It is a nice thing that someone talks to you...
I'm not lonely these days^^
星期一, 3月 20, 2006
A Letter To Yukina...
To My Dear Yukina
Missing you here... since you went to Nasional Service yesterday...
Ryu told me the competition has been delayed to the 20th of April...
Thank goodness...
As if your wondering how's their standard...
Let me make a clear report to you.
Today me, Ryu, Qian and Ling went to school to visit choir.
Actually Yong which is our tutor should come today,
but suddenly cancelled and switch to tommorrow...
So we didn't see Yong...(=.="Of course!!)
This is the 1st time I teach my junior until I've wanted to slap all the juniors...
Idiots...I should say...
Those juniors I mean are not those newbie...
But are those we tought and bring up.
It is so thankful that I'm not in the choir this year...
And yet it is also a waste where we're not in...
Let me tell you the whole story.
We(me and Qian) reach school at around 11.15am today.
Qian 1st walked into the Office to sah her SPM certificet from HM.
I waited outside, and heard the voice of choir... soft and terrible.
It is not far from the practice point to the office...
I can see them. But I can't believe my ears when they start singing 'Pewira'.
Normally, the mistakes in voice only can be heard from close diatance,
and when is far...songs will turn out to be okay last time.
But this time...arghh...its terrible untill the mistakes are so clear from far...
What should I say?
Then, after we reach the bangsal(which is their practice point),
Puan Bong(Our choir adviser) told us that they plan to learn a new song as the competition song.
New Song? I knew that before today,
but I heard my juniors telling me that song is quite hard to learn.
Well then, we tried ourself to makesure the standard of this song...
IMPOSIBLE...I mean for the juniors to catch up and master it in this short period. not a difficult song,
but it is quite hard to master it if you can't project a proper vocal.
And you must have quite a good sense of beats and similer key...
And the most challenging part for juniors is,
This song must have lots of practise.
We learned the 1st 3 pages for about 15 minutes...
The part for Soprano 2 is quite hard to catch up, but Soprano 1 and Alto is not difficult.
Tenor and Bass too, not difficult.
After that, Hong Chin decided to let the AJKs to learn this song...
So we promise them to teach and take care of those newbies...
I was once thought I'll have a big vomit in front of them...
I was wondering how they teach these juniors??!!!
The 1st part of teaching song is to make sure they know and sure all the notes and keys.
Secondly will be the beat.
Third should be the vocal and tachique of singing a proper song.
Forth will be the touch up...
which is the loud soft part, where to attack and release, where to drag and where to be soft and lond...
The fifth will be the emotion and spirit of voices...
And the last will be the expression on faces and arrangement of how to walk up the stage and leave the stage...
They've mess up everything!!!
After teaching the song without make sure as if they were sure,
They teach them how to touch up the song,
where to attack and release, where to make it loud...=.="
Then only they teach beat in combine and Hong Chin was the one who teach vocal, projection tecniques...
Idiots... Don't they even remember anything we've thought them??!!!
So then I teach the newbies the song 'Kupinta Lagi'...
I found that those junior are actually not stupid...
Although they catch my words slowly...but they still can do it...
So this means that it is not the newbies fault.
As I'll repeat again....Idiots...
Then they have a combine.
It was so buzy and noisy around...
I found Hong Chin standing there doing nothing...
Seems to be waiting the members to be quiet and pay attention to him.
When Ryu have the intension to scold them,
Qian scolded all of the members of choir(excluding Xin Zhi, Hong Chin and Xuan Lin) due to their atitude towards the president (Xin Zhi) and the conducter(Hong Chin).
This is Qian character as we know...^^
I was glad they know how fierce was the seniors last time~
The combine is of course terrible...
I've never seen choir to be so bad for 5 years history in choir...
Well...this is the 1st time of course...
So after thier prctice, I gave lots lots of advise(including scolding) to the seniors...
If the full mark of their presantation is 100%,
I'll give 24% for the parctise they have today.
You should see it yourself...
I'll keep giving you the reports untill you're back.
Missing you...
From Chiwayu
Ryu told me the competition has been delayed to the 20th of April...
Thank goodness...
As if your wondering how's their standard...
Let me make a clear report to you.
Today me, Ryu, Qian and Ling went to school to visit choir.
Actually Yong which is our tutor should come today,
but suddenly cancelled and switch to tommorrow...
So we didn't see Yong...(=.="Of course!!)
This is the 1st time I teach my junior until I've wanted to slap all the juniors...
Idiots...I should say...
Those juniors I mean are not those newbie...
But are those we tought and bring up.
It is so thankful that I'm not in the choir this year...
And yet it is also a waste where we're not in...
Let me tell you the whole story.
We(me and Qian) reach school at around 11.15am today.
Qian 1st walked into the Office to sah her SPM certificet from HM.
I waited outside, and heard the voice of choir... soft and terrible.
It is not far from the practice point to the office...
I can see them. But I can't believe my ears when they start singing 'Pewira'.
Normally, the mistakes in voice only can be heard from close diatance,
and when is far...songs will turn out to be okay last time.
But this time...arghh...its terrible untill the mistakes are so clear from far...
What should I say?
Then, after we reach the bangsal(which is their practice point),
Puan Bong(Our choir adviser) told us that they plan to learn a new song as the competition song.
New Song? I knew that before today,
but I heard my juniors telling me that song is quite hard to learn.
Well then, we tried ourself to makesure the standard of this song...
IMPOSIBLE...I mean for the juniors to catch up and master it in this short period. not a difficult song,
but it is quite hard to master it if you can't project a proper vocal.
And you must have quite a good sense of beats and similer key...
And the most challenging part for juniors is,
This song must have lots of practise.
We learned the 1st 3 pages for about 15 minutes...
The part for Soprano 2 is quite hard to catch up, but Soprano 1 and Alto is not difficult.
Tenor and Bass too, not difficult.
After that, Hong Chin decided to let the AJKs to learn this song...
So we promise them to teach and take care of those newbies...
I was once thought I'll have a big vomit in front of them...
I was wondering how they teach these juniors??!!!
The 1st part of teaching song is to make sure they know and sure all the notes and keys.
Secondly will be the beat.
Third should be the vocal and tachique of singing a proper song.
Forth will be the touch up...
which is the loud soft part, where to attack and release, where to drag and where to be soft and lond...
The fifth will be the emotion and spirit of voices...
And the last will be the expression on faces and arrangement of how to walk up the stage and leave the stage...
They've mess up everything!!!
After teaching the song without make sure as if they were sure,
They teach them how to touch up the song,
where to attack and release, where to make it loud...=.="
Then only they teach beat in combine and Hong Chin was the one who teach vocal, projection tecniques...
Idiots... Don't they even remember anything we've thought them??!!!
So then I teach the newbies the song 'Kupinta Lagi'...
I found that those junior are actually not stupid...
Although they catch my words slowly...but they still can do it...
So this means that it is not the newbies fault.
As I'll repeat again....Idiots...
Then they have a combine.
It was so buzy and noisy around...
I found Hong Chin standing there doing nothing...
Seems to be waiting the members to be quiet and pay attention to him.
When Ryu have the intension to scold them,
Qian scolded all of the members of choir(excluding Xin Zhi, Hong Chin and Xuan Lin) due to their atitude towards the president (Xin Zhi) and the conducter(Hong Chin).
This is Qian character as we know...^^
I was glad they know how fierce was the seniors last time~
The combine is of course terrible...
I've never seen choir to be so bad for 5 years history in choir...
Well...this is the 1st time of course...
So after thier prctice, I gave lots lots of advise(including scolding) to the seniors...
If the full mark of their presantation is 100%,
I'll give 24% for the parctise they have today.
You should see it yourself...
I'll keep giving you the reports untill you're back.
Missing you...
From Chiwayu
星期日, 3月 19, 2006
A Visit To My Chemistry Teacher's House...
Today we've(Me and Vanessa) paid a visit to our beloved X chemistry tuition teacher-Sai Jun's house.
What a nice day...
Well...let me tell you something about this teacher.
He is 4 years older than me and 5 years older then Vanessa.
He was once our school's head prefect...
So, he is quite a mature and responsible person.
To me, he is like a big brother, always give 'long breath' advice and always take care of us.
If you stay with him, you'll feel quite safe cause seems like he'll settle everything if you have any probelm(*seems like)
From his out look and part of his character,
you'll think that he's horoscope will be virgo...
Why I say that?
1st, he is quite a clean person...
2nd, he seems to be very careful doing everything...
3rd, he has an accient hobby followed from his family-having chinese tea when he's free...
4th, his appearance is like 'oh~a cool clean quiet guy!!'(This is what I think when I 1st saw him in school...)Specky, quite well combed hair...=.="
BUT!!! He is a Crab...(Oh no!!!I forgot what is that horoscope's name liao!!!)
Ehem~!!Back to the main topic...
As I've said, he likes to drink good quality Taiwan chinese tea when he's free...
So when we went to visit him, he invite us to have some with him...
Cool right? So as we chat...we keep drinking the small cup of chinese tea...
I'm a well known water I keep drinking as if it is water...
Ehem...I know I'm not good at taste-ting good expensive chinese tea...
Haiya!!!It's just tea mah!!!(no hope liao...)
We did chat a lot~!!
And while we chat, we listen to Jay's songs(Huo Yuan Jia MTV),
UM performance's music (nice songs~!!! I can't believe Malaysian University have these kind of profesionals~), and SHE's Encore album.
ps*Sai Jun is too cool when he listen to phone...
Squatting on the short table near his house phone...
Today we've(Me and Vanessa) paid a visit to our beloved X chemistry tuition teacher-Sai Jun's house.
What a nice day...
Well...let me tell you something about this teacher.
He is 4 years older than me and 5 years older then Vanessa.
He was once our school's head prefect...
So, he is quite a mature and responsible person.
To me, he is like a big brother, always give 'long breath' advice and always take care of us.
If you stay with him, you'll feel quite safe cause seems like he'll settle everything if you have any probelm(*seems like)
From his out look and part of his character,
you'll think that he's horoscope will be virgo...
Why I say that?
1st, he is quite a clean person...
2nd, he seems to be very careful doing everything...
3rd, he has an accient hobby followed from his family-having chinese tea when he's free...
4th, his appearance is like 'oh~a cool clean quiet guy!!'(This is what I think when I 1st saw him in school...)Specky, quite well combed hair...=.="
BUT!!! He is a Crab...(Oh no!!!I forgot what is that horoscope's name liao!!!)
Ehem~!!Back to the main topic...
As I've said, he likes to drink good quality Taiwan chinese tea when he's free...
So when we went to visit him, he invite us to have some with him...
Cool right? So as we chat...we keep drinking the small cup of chinese tea...
I'm a well known water I keep drinking as if it is water...
Ehem...I know I'm not good at taste-ting good expensive chinese tea...
Haiya!!!It's just tea mah!!!(no hope liao...)
We did chat a lot~!!
And while we chat, we listen to Jay's songs(Huo Yuan Jia MTV),
UM performance's music (nice songs~!!! I can't believe Malaysian University have these kind of profesionals~), and SHE's Encore album.
ps*Sai Jun is too cool when he listen to phone...
Squatting on the short table near his house phone...
星期五, 3月 17, 2006
~ The Great Singapore Trip Report ~
14th March 2006
The first day...
Bus number:::::::::: WMJ 8865
Departure time::::: 9.00am
Background Music: Yuna Ito-Reira-Endless Story mp3
Staying Place:::::::: Chinatown Hotel 81
Currentcy:::::::::::: 2.33
"Hey Long...I'm in Singapore now"
This was the 1st word appears in my mind when I reached Singapore.
I have some plans before I pay a visit to Singapore...
One of them is to try the McDonald's Beef fantastic and Chicken fantastic.
This is a rice burger which was not appear in our country's McDonald yet.
I saw it is in TVBS asia, the 101 meeting programme.
The manager of McDonald in Taiwan invented it and it was newly promoted to Singapore~~
It's nice~!!!!
I like the Chicken fantastic more~!!
But it is quite expensive also...because this is Singapore...
Arghh...I'm hungry now...
I went to visit my uncle at night.
I took the MRT (like KTM or LRT here...)
Their MRT station are great!!
Every single station is like KL Central, clean, grand and class!!
The MRT train is quite big and long, so it is not so crowded...
When I reach my uncle's house, I started to miss my home...
It is so small apartment house in Singapore but the price will be too expensive for us...
Both my cousin was damn cute expecially they play the piano...
This reminds me when I'm having my 1st piano practical exam in 9 years old...
I can't imagine how cute I am...(Oh my goodness...!!!)
15th March 2006
The Second Day...
We went to visit their national library today.
Their nasional library is BIG!!!
They have 19 floor while 16 of them are allowed to be visited.
Is not like our nasional library(5-6 floor),
the national library in Singapore is freely to explore and be visited.
You don't need any member card or library pass...
And they have lot's of brousures about the library...
Cool right!!
The book drop...This is the 1st time I saw a bookdrop...=.="
This place have lot's of facilities.
They have free internet acess,
lot's of check in book's machine,
book drops, and even search book machine!!
And maybe is because this is a new library,
the books inside all are organized nicely, neatly and is quite easy to search them.
They have forgein newspaper to read and even comics too!!
Their chairs are made of lather...looks comfortable to read in this place~
I swear I'll do my homework or study there if I stay near it...
It is so!!
After leaving the national library,
We went to the next building-Bras Basah Complex.
This is not a big complex...
It is like Desa Complex in Selayang, without air conditional.
Well, why am I visiting a place like this?
This is because I want to find a type of Marker named Copic.
It is well known good branded Japanese Marker for drawing.
It can be found in Kinokuniya KLCC, but is quite expensive...
The cheapest Copic artmaker is sold here:$4.68 per pc when I bought...

My friends recomended me when I plan to Singapore.
They said here can find cheaper Copic Marker...
So I went there and found them~^^
Actually I planed to buy lots of them...
But since I bought my new handphone,
I can't affort to buy more...TT.TT
So I went to find the pens...
Its cheaper compare to Kinokuniya...
But the shape is slightly different with those which are sold in Kinokuniya...
It is square...?!(Those in the box...)
After that, we went to Popular bookstore which is in the same complex...
Their Popular bookstore is also very surprizing...!!
This place is so big and complete!!
It has even more facilities and books than the main popular bookstore in KL.
Here they sell even comics, manga and even figure~!!
I found the imported Bandai products...
I've seen before some of them because Vanessa bought them originally from Japan...
I found printers and scanner at their stationary department...
'Geng' right?
So I bought 1 Saiyuki(Hakkai) key chain,
while my bro bought 4 One Piece figurine(Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Luffy)...
At night, we went to Takashimaya,
a Japanese Shopping Mall in Orchard Road.
This is a grand and beautiful Shopping places where every rich man must go!!
Why I said that?
Because inside it everything is branded,
such as LV, Channel, Gucci etc...haiya...all are expensive things...
I found a Kinokuniya inside Takashimaya too!!
But it is much bigger and complete compare to Kinokuniya in KLCC...
I found a Japanese dictionary that I've wanted for so long...
I bought it...but is expensive.
Don't buy things there unless you really cannot get it in Malaysia.
Cause it'll make you bankruped...
Next to the Takashimaya,
there's a Shopping Mall called The Paragon.
I saw one creepy poster...(What? Creepy poster?! Are you crazy?)
No, I'm not crazy.
This is the 1st time I saw a female so much like a man...!!!
Well...I've took a picture...
You should see it yourself...
(Actually from near is quite a beautiful lady...but from far...)
16th March 2006
The Last Day...
We found a quiet complex where inside it full of figurine and toys...!!
It is located near the hotel we stay...
About 10 minutes walking distance...
I found a lot of twist egg figurine originally from Japan's Bandai company...
But we don't have much coins,
so my brother manage to buy 1 by luck with $1X2 coin...
And he get this pretty girl...
That's all the best part for my Singapore trip...
Any questions?
The first day...
Bus number:::::::::: WMJ 8865
Departure time::::: 9.00am
Background Music: Yuna Ito-Reira-Endless Story mp3
Staying Place:::::::: Chinatown Hotel 81
Currentcy:::::::::::: 2.33
"Hey Long...I'm in Singapore now"
This was the 1st word appears in my mind when I reached Singapore.
One of them is to try the McDonald's Beef fantastic and Chicken fantastic.
This is a rice burger which was not appear in our country's McDonald yet.
I saw it is in TVBS asia, the 101 meeting programme.
The manager of McDonald in Taiwan invented it and it was newly promoted to Singapore~~
It's nice~!!!!
I like the Chicken fantastic more~!!
But it is quite expensive also...because this is Singapore...
Arghh...I'm hungry now...
I went to visit my uncle at night.
I took the MRT (like KTM or LRT here...)
Their MRT station are great!!
Every single station is like KL Central, clean, grand and class!!
The MRT train is quite big and long, so it is not so crowded...
When I reach my uncle's house, I started to miss my home...
It is so small apartment house in Singapore but the price will be too expensive for us...
Both my cousin was damn cute expecially they play the piano...
This reminds me when I'm having my 1st piano practical exam in 9 years old...
I can't imagine how cute I am...(Oh my goodness...!!!)
15th March 2006
The Second Day...
Their nasional library is BIG!!!
They have 19 floor while 16 of them are allowed to be visited.
Is not like our nasional library(5-6 floor),
the national library in Singapore is freely to explore and be visited.
You don't need any member card or library pass...
And they have lot's of brousures about the library...
Cool right!!
The book drop...This is the 1st time I saw a bookdrop...=.="
This place have lot's of facilities.
They have free internet acess,
lot's of check in book's machine,
book drops, and even search book machine!!
And maybe is because this is a new library,
the books inside all are organized nicely, neatly and is quite easy to search them.
They have forgein newspaper to read and even comics too!!
Their chairs are made of lather...looks comfortable to read in this place~
I swear I'll do my homework or study there if I stay near it...
It is so!!
We went to the next building-Bras Basah Complex.
This is not a big complex...
It is like Desa Complex in Selayang, without air conditional.
Well, why am I visiting a place like this?
This is because I want to find a type of Marker named Copic.
It is well known good branded Japanese Marker for drawing.
It can be found in Kinokuniya KLCC, but is quite expensive...
The cheapest Copic artmaker is sold here:$4.68 per pc when I bought...
My friends recomended me when I plan to Singapore.
They said here can find cheaper Copic Marker...
So I went there and found them~^^
Actually I planed to buy lots of them...
But since I bought my new handphone,
I can't affort to buy more...TT.TT
So I went to find the pens...
Its cheaper compare to Kinokuniya...
But the shape is slightly different with those which are sold in Kinokuniya...
It is square...?!(Those in the box...)
Their Popular bookstore is also very surprizing...!!
This place is so big and complete!!
It has even more facilities and books than the main popular bookstore in KL.
Here they sell even comics, manga and even figure~!!
I found the imported Bandai products...
I've seen before some of them because Vanessa bought them originally from Japan...
I found printers and scanner at their stationary department...
'Geng' right?
So I bought 1 Saiyuki(Hakkai) key chain,
while my bro bought 4 One Piece figurine(Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Luffy)...
At night, we went to Takashimaya,
a Japanese Shopping Mall in Orchard Road.
This is a grand and beautiful Shopping places where every rich man must go!!
Why I said that?
Because inside it everything is branded,
such as LV, Channel, Gucci etc...haiya...all are expensive things...
I found a Kinokuniya inside Takashimaya too!!
But it is much bigger and complete compare to Kinokuniya in KLCC...
I found a Japanese dictionary that I've wanted for so long...
I bought it...but is expensive.
Don't buy things there unless you really cannot get it in Malaysia.
Cause it'll make you bankruped...
there's a Shopping Mall called The Paragon.
I saw one creepy poster...(What? Creepy poster?! Are you crazy?)
No, I'm not crazy.
This is the 1st time I saw a female so much like a man...!!!
Well...I've took a picture...
You should see it yourself...
(Actually from near is quite a beautiful lady...but from far...)
16th March 2006
The Last Day...
It is located near the hotel we stay...
About 10 minutes walking distance...
I found a lot of twist egg figurine originally from Japan's Bandai company...
But we don't have much coins,
so my brother manage to buy 1 by luck with $1X2 coin...
And he get this pretty girl...
That's all the best part for my Singapore trip...
Any questions?
星期一, 3月 13, 2006
The Big Day Report...(feel so dissapointed...)
This is what I wanted to say...
Dissapointed, sad, and don't know what to do.
Exspecially when I look at the Add Math, Chinese and EST result...
I feel so dissapointed...
And when I look at the BM result...
I don't know whether I should cry or laugh happily...
This is the first time I get A for my BM in my whole life...surprise right?
Is the machine something wrong??
I don't know...
This is all I wanted to say...
星期日, 3月 12, 2006
Tomorrow...!!!BIG DAY...!!!!(countdown!!)
Report:Weather, rainy day
Today I went to have practical car test...
Oh my goodness...
First, luckily Qian is going with me...
Or not I swear I'll die there because or boring...
I was so scared and nervours!!!
Haiya...everytime I control a new car,I'll sure panic...
even though it is still white colour unpowerstaring,unauto Perodua Kancil...=.="
They first let us try 2 times driving the path...
The first two times I almost looks like a person who doesn't drive a car before...
Then the 3rd time is the real practical part...
I did that perfectly every part except the 3 point turn...
I did 1 wrong mistake...haiya...=.="
I don't want to mention it anymore...
Anyway...I MUST pass the exam!!!
I don't want to go back that damn stupid place anymore!!!!
Tommorrow...dead or alive!!!
Happy or Sad...!!!
Is all under tomorrow's SPM result!!!!!
I'll have to do a great report for my results~~!!!
星期六, 3月 11, 2006
Oh My Goodness...!!!I can't believe these things happen to me...!!!
I've lost my handphone.
Today I went to KLCC.
We was planning to find our way to the bus before 14th March to go Singapore.
I don't know where and when I've lost it!!??
I don't even have an idea or a clue about it!!
This is rediculus...
Arhhhgggghhh!!!I feel so hopeless!!!
How come this things happen to me??!! I have to redo everything...
Activate my GPRS...
Rebuy my dear beloved k700i Sony Ericson...
(Using my own money...hiaz...)
Buy my screen protector...
Redownload my Kyo theme...
I feel like crying now...TT.TT
Count down 2...1...0...
星期五, 3月 10, 2006
It is 10th of March now...
Count down 3 days to get my SPM result...
I get 5 A's above...then...Hurray!!!!
I can't...(no!! don't mention it!!!no!!!)
Well, I can't say now...
and I don't wan't to mention now...!!!
Well...after getting my SPM result,
I'll have lot's of things to do!!!
I would like to find a job...(if I can???O.O)
I shall finish every step to go into my college...
(Such as preparing the port folder...)
Tommorrow's countdown I'll tell you more^^
星期六, 3月 04, 2006
Great...why are they so good??!!

This is not the first time I feel so unconfident with my art work...
I'm so glad yesterday I've called John(director or Comic King, Gempak, Starz and other comic magazine...) to discuss about stuff sending artworks to him for some hope of publishing...
But today when I just hoop in to my devient art blog...I feel so sad...
Why are there so many great artist in every coridor of the world?!
Well...actually I'm just admiring them~~
But I do hope I'll be like them, someone who likes my artwork....
Hia!!! I must publish my comic!!
You all wait and see!!! (Hiaaaa!!!!!!)
ps:this picture my friend like it sooo much...dunno why~~?
星期三, 3月 01, 2006

It is the 1st day of March 2006...
This means I have 12 freedom days...
Before getting my SPM result on 13th March...
I've dreamed the day I get that result on my hands.
I've dreamed that everyone was so happy with their results,
but not me.
I've also had a dream where I've got the good results...
But I don't want to think about it...
You see...I've wanted to visit Japan,
have a home stay by myself since I'm in Form 3.
To me, go out to the world and explore myself, without parents guiding is a kind of brave and special.
Like my best friend Vanessa, she went there herself by the Leo Club programme in my school, all by herself.
That's really a brave thing to do!!
Well....What I wanted to say is...
My parents were worried about me.
I know they loved me so much, and I'm not a responsible child.
They told me, You can't go through the interview unless you have 5 A's in your SPM result.
5 A's huh...To those who are hard working and inteligent...
5 A's are nothing.
But for quite a challenging topic...
I work quite hard in form 5 to make sure I got 5 A's and above...
Well...I don't know now...
God...can I know my results later?
Well...I don't think so.
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